Gulf War II - CBS Baghdad webcam: military moments 2

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Gulf War II - CBS Baghdad webcam: military moments 2

Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, CENTCOM Deputy Director of Operations, at Camp As Sayliyah, Doha, Qatar

It's 0448, and Isaac has woken me for some yoghurt and sunflower seeds, which I prepare and feed him in bed. Inbetween bites I capture these screengrabs. It's Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, CENTCOM Deputy Director of Operations, in the media briefing room at Camp As Sayliyah, Doha, Qatar.
Taking questions from reporters must be a challenge. Some obviously have a byline that they want the interviewee to write. Others don't seem to have done their homework. A few have really good questions. Some reporters have three completely unrelated questions posing as one question. Some reporters are tolerated.
I love hearing the different accents, affiliations, and points of view present in something so quick and simple as a ten- or twenty-word question. General Brooks doesn't have the stage presence of his boss, Air Force Major General Gene Renuart. He's too taciturn to make this briefing spark. No mistakes, however, get made, and that's probably a higher value.
The briefing is over, and the General, his staff, and the reporters slowly leave the briefing room to file their stories. It's 0800 in New York City, so these stories will make radio and television first, and the newspapers tomorrow. In that momentary lapse between the streaming mosque footage of the briefing and the mosque we see Richared Engle once again, but this time he's all covered up. Why? Oh! Now I know!
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled mosque :-)

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