Gulf War II - CBS Baghdad webcam: war's end

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Gulf War II - CBS Baghdad webcam: war's end

Without much ado has pulled the plug from the Palestine Hotel video feed and has been streaming the following logo at 80 kbps for the last twenty-four hours (excepting the occasional new conference).

It's been an interesting time, and I really hope the powers-that-be at CBS News figure out a way to keep us plugged in by providing live feeds from both sites of breaking news stories and their local offices. I'd like to see New York and Basra, a bit at a time...

I've been trying to figure out whom to email with my opinion, but no luck so far.

Among the last images we saw from Baghdad were these

Ever see a mosque glow like that? I'm wondering what made it so heat-reflective: was it that warm inside or was it lighted from without? Anyhow, it's a quiet night in Baghdad. Even the looters have gone to sleep. Later, in early morning you can see cars beginning to be parked in front of the hotel. This is the most cars I can remember seeing here.
And this is the first day that Baghdad looks crowded. I get the sense of a happy crowd; cars parked every which way as people meet and greet each other after death rained from above. The first day of their post-Saddam lives.

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