cleaning the car

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cleaning the car

The time comes in the life of every car owner when he has to try to clear his car more cheaply than the upscale neighborhood car wash. Not being a gearhead - or motorhead if you prefer - I'm having to learn all this just before I turn forty. But Isaac really loves anything to do with our car so it's worthwhile.

On this weblet I'll document what I've learned, and what has and hasn't worked for us. I do this because I've seen a lot of discussion on the car enthusiast sites on the Internet, and I know it's not simple or well-understood. I hope having text and pictures helps.

As I add pages about cleaning the car I'll make mention of it here first.

The first page I did was about cleaning wheels, a particularly knotty problem.

Have you found errors nontrivial or marginal, factual, analytical and illogical, arithmetical, temporal, or even typographical? Please let me know; drop me email. Thanks!

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