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New Year's Day 2001


Rose, my wife

Our Wedding Day


Birth Plan

Weaning Isaac

Toilet-Training Isaac

Bunk Bed

Omi Marga

Dziadziu, my Dad

Felicia, my sister

Our Cottage

Waller Street

18th Street


more pets



Isaac up close Our son, Isaac Amadeo Chanukah Sattler, was born in San Francisco at 00:01 on Saturday 19 December 1998.

He was born at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Francisco. The day after his birth it snowed for the first time in a quarter-century. It was eerie, standing on an outdoor balcony in shorts (it had been warm the day before) watching the flakes drop from the sky.

You can see Isaac globe-trotting in our Travel pages. His passport is more worn than that of most adults entering middle age. And he even speaks a dozen words in Italiano...

13 August 2001

Isaac now has a baby sister, Lila.

24 July 2004

Isaac the firefighter.

Isaac firefighter

Have you found errors nontrivial or marginal, factual, analytical and illogical, arithmetical, temporal, or even typographical? Please let me know; drop me email. Thanks!

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This page is copyrighted 1993-2008 by Lila, Isaac, Rose, and Mickey Sattler. All rights reserved.