Userland Radio: removing the timestamp from the htmlMacroErrors log

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Userland Radio: removing the timestamp from the htmlMacroErrors log

Saturday 16 April 2005

One of the recurring vexations in using Userland Frontier and Radio is the timestamp added to the event logs. For my purposes it's unnecessary. (I use these applications like a web-site-savvy word processor. If there's an error I see it now, I fix it now, and I re-render the page now. The timestamp just makes looking through the logs just that much more annoying.

a log with timestamp

So here's how I fix it.

It's a simple one-line change in system.verbs.builtins.log.add. Select the line highlighted in the following image and do an Outline / Toggle Comment. Then hit the Compile button.

builtins.log.add fixed

That's it! Now all log entries will be added without timestamps. If you wanted to change it only for the htmlMacroErrors then you'll have to dig a bit deeper than I did.

I hope this helps.

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