Handspring Treo 180: Dead Speaker Syndrome repair, page 2

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Handspring Treo 180: Dead Speaker Syndrome repair, page 2

Continued from the previous page.

Here's a close-up of the are we've exposed. Why are the wires strung in such a strange way? Don't know. Why are they pulled through fragile plastic pegs? Don't know. Inspired engineering or a desperate ploy to keep a job? Don't know. But read on despite my ignorance of these and other matters :-)

Treo 180 repair detail

Here's the back of my Treo 180. To open it up requires two steps:

1. Unscrew the four screws with a suitable screwdriver. (I'm using an inexpensive jewelers flathead screwdriver even though they're Philips screws. It works.)

Treo 180 repair detail

2. Detach the plastic clips which are grabbing the halves together. Fingernails worked well for me. The screwdriver tip, pressed into the spots (which can be seen between the halves under a bright light) might work as well. YMMV.

BE VERY CAREFUL not to break the small wires which supply power from the battery (on the back half) to the computer (on the front half). You'll see this in the middle of the photo.

At the bottom of the photo you can see the black and red wire bundle going to tha small clip (although it looks like it's going under the wavecom card). That'll be our focus later. I just wanted to point it out to you.

Treo 180 repair detail

One of the most annoying part of this problem, and this procedure, is that THERE'S NO VISIBLE DAMAGE, at least on mine. But so it goes. I opened it up on faith, let's continue on faith. It's time to replace that wire!

Have you found errors nontrivial or marginal, factual, analytical and illogical, arithmetical, temporal, or even typographical? Please let me know; drop me email. Thanks!

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