What's New? 2008-11-01

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What's New? 2008-11-01

 13 November 2008
  Lila and I have an amazing Hapkido class. I'm luckly to have several superlative training partners (which makes all the difference). At home I make dinner, with freshly kid-shucked corn the centerpiece. Delivery by Isaac :-)

Isaac delivers freshly-shucked corn
 12 November 2008
  A blurry San Francisco nighttime view from the Randall Museum. GGMRC train maintenance.

San Francisco nighttime view from the Randall Museum
 11 November 2008
  Today is a big volunteer work day. Lila's elementary school ripped out a beautiful metal-and-wood play structure in favor of a modern plastic one. (The sad thing is the old one has a 30-year life span, and could have been returned to full service with a few railroad ties for the wooden platforms, and the new plastic ones live less than ten years, meaning the school now needs to save about $3000 each year for a replacement each decade. Nobody mentioned that during the big sales pitch.)

Peabody play structure day: implements of construction

From left to right, the garden & planters group, the play structure group, and various assembly groups. Not shown are the cement and soil group and the commissary group; tasty cheeseburgers.

Peabody play structure day: work crew panorama

Alejandro's brother Diego plays with Isaac's LEGO airplane. This was something he very much wanted all day.

Peabody play structure day: Diego plays with Isaac's LEGO airplane
 9 November 2008
  We're at what Rose calls Sunday School, what I recall as Hebrew School. Here's Lila's class, in the library.

Hebrew School: the whole class

Isaac and Rose are chatting on the couch, shortly before he plugs in a laptop to play Club Penguin.

Hebrew School: on the couch
 8 November 2008
  Lila, my foodie offspring, awaiting breakfast at The Fiddler's Green. It reminds us of Beverly's restaurant, in Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria.

Lila @ The Fiddler's Green
 7 November 2008
  The temperate joy of "Indian Summer" has swiftly and brutally given way to the cold autumn fog, seen here in the avenues. I always like the juxtaposition of fog and palm trees.

San Francisco fog
 6 November 2008
  Lila and Isaac hold court in a home classroom, lecturing on issues related to spelling, time, and story narrative. Sometimes it's a bit difficult living in such a kid-centric household, with books and toys and chalkboards all about, but at moments such as these it's soooooo worthwhile.

home classroom
 5 November 2008
  It's too damn early, evidently, but the LEGO airplane is reassembled and ready to go.

Isaac's LEGO airplane

Since the election of Barack Obama the gas prices have dropped quickly. From a high near $4 per gallon, we're down to $2.37. It's amazing what a differerence that makes, a tankful at a time.

gasoline at $2.37

Isaac shows off his plane to the waitress at The Taipei Restaurant, in the Lakeside neighborhood of San Francisco. Dad and Zofia really love it here, so we're frequent fliers.

The Taipei Restaurant

During a break in the meal, Isaac takes the plane for a flight out front. It's cool, even brisk. Autumn will soon be here.

plane at The Taipei Restaurant

My foodie daughter is also a clothes-horse. Lila, dressed up.

Lila, dressed up

It's a late night at the GGMRC train club, but Isaac is terribly happy to have most of the main-line to himself.

late at the GGMRC
 4 November 2008
  It's Election Day, and I've never seen such a fevered pitch of excitement. Change is in the air, and I hope it takes. There's a lot of nail-biting going on; this may be an "I remember when" moment for our lifetimes. (Taking a photo of the people in the voting area seemed intrusive, perhaps because of the vitriol of the recent campaign weeks.)

polling place
 3 November 2008
  Isaac's class has made this Halloween dessert, a graveyard of confectionaries, including orange and white marshmallows, jello topped with crushed Oreo cookies, and tombstones of madelines.

Isaac's Halloween dessert
 1 November 2008
  Hey, welcome to November! Crikey, I just got June dealt with, or so it seems.

Isaac narrates: "There was a heavy rainfall and the leaves were blocking the river that was coming down the street, so me and my Dad got a stick and we pushed leaves out and into the way to create a river flowing quickly down to the gutter. The only parts we couldn't clear out was the big masses of leaves under the cars. Just when we were in the middle of the street, where the gutter was, we heard Chinese Dragon Dancers. I kind of wanted to see them, but I kind of wanted to go home too."

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